We, the All Japan Seamen’s Union (JSU), understand the importance of the privacy of the personal information of our member. In compliance with the law of Personal Information Protection Act and other any information, we have set the following as our basic policy in handling personal information.
- (1) Collection and Use of personal information
- We collect minimum essential personal information of the members that we need to carry out the aims and union activities stipulated in the Constitution and the Rules and Regulations of JSU. The information collected is used for identification, confirmation of membership qualification, delivery of our journal and bulletin, statistical research in membership trend, and payment of the mutual-aid benefits.
- (2) Type of personal information we collect
- We collect personal information such as address, name, date of birth, sex, name of the company, job position, basic wage, a payment record of union dues, and other information that we need to carry out union activities smoothly.
- (3) How we collect personal information
- We collect personal information through the membership application form and also through the company the member belongs to.
- (4) Information management
We are constantly working on prevention of leakage, unauthorized access, loss or falsification by establishing a proper system to manage the personal information. Setting up the rules in handling personal information and placing an administrator in charge of protection management of the information are part of this effort.
We also devise technologically and organizationally rational safety measures within the purpose of use.In a case we outsource the part of work with personal information that involves processing of the member’s personal information, we sing on agreement with the contractor by which the contractor obliged not to reuse or leak the information.
- (5) Disclosure Personal Information
When you wish to review your personal information, please visit your nearest JSU office with your membership card (or your driver’s license) and your signature where you will be requested to fill in a form. We send the requested information you by registered mail. If it is inconvenient for you to visit our office, just contact the General Affairs Department in the head quarters. We will mail the request form to you after confirming your identification.
We may also disclose your personal information to the company you belong to, where we collect the information through the company, if it requires.